
With certificate & seal: Excellent product data quality

An outstanding 96-point score on Open Datacheck Elektro reflects our great commitment to excellent data quality. This means we deliver almost perfect product master data for the electrical industry.

Open Datacheck Elektro | Seal and certificate for excellent data quality
Open Datacheck Elektro | Seal and certificate for excellent data quality

Quality-checked product data
As digitalisation progresses and the three-stage sales channel is strengthened, high master data quality is absolutely essential. With 96 out of 100 points, Open Datacheck Elektro has now confirmed our outstanding product data quality in accordance with the industry's current data standards.

‘This award emphasises how important the first-class quality of our product data is to us. With over 30,000 items to maintain from the diverse lighting and luminaire sector, this is a challenging task that we are happy to take on. We'll keep at it - gold status is within our grasp!’ explains Christoph Gernhardt, Team Leader Digitalisation & Organisation at RZB Rudolf Zimmermann, Bamberg GmbH.

About Open Datacheck
Open Datacheck is an online platform of the DGH (Deutscher Großhandelsverband Haustechnik e. V) and the VEG (BundesVerband des Elektro-Großhandels), which manufacturers in the HVAC and electrical sectors use to check and optimise their product data and pass it on to the member companies of the DGH and the VEG - i.e. to wholesalers.

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