© RZB Lighting
MEM module
Module for switching between mains and backup mains power in rental areas.
The MEM (tenant power-feed or input/output module) is a switching module between mains and backup mains power within different rental areas.
The MEM contains:- 4 x signalling relays, with 1 x make contact and 3 x break contacts, each of which can be programmed as make or break contacts. Relays 1 and 2 form a mains switchover for the tenant area, but, like relays 3 and 4, can also be used for signalling and control purposes and can be programmed individually.- 4 digital switch inputs for 230 V.- 1 x network monitor, one-, two- and three-phase.Find product
All prices are recommended retail prices and are subject to VAT. Trade sales only.
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