Circuit modules (SKM)

Circuit modules (SKM)

The SKM module is a bus-controlled circuit switching module that ensures a high level of operational safety and extensive monitoring technology.
The emergency or escape sign luminaires are operated via the SKM module. All 4 of the module’s outputs can be used for circuit-monitored systems or for individual luminaire monitoring. Each module can operate 4 output circuits with up to 20 luminaires. Each circuit in the luminaire circuit module can be programmed for maintained, non-maintained, or switched maintained operation. The switching commands are transmitted via the mains power supply cable to the luminaire, without the need for an additional bus line.
Each of the 4 electric circuits on the module can be loaded with a power/apparent power of 650 W/650 VA. The entire module can be loaded with a max. power/apparent power of 2500 W/2500 VA. Additionally, it detects faults on circuits or individual luminaires. Detected faults are displayed in the master module of the central battery system or on the status LED directly on the module.

Detected faults are:
- Module faults
- Faulty configuration
- Circuit faults
- Active tests
- No emergency supply voltage
- Exceeding max. current
- Falling below min. current
- Voltage failure on the circuit
- Faulty relays

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