TW500 switch

TW500 switch

The changeover switch TW 500 is a switching and network monitoring module that allows for mixed operation of Exit signs and emergency luminaires in the maintained operating mode circuit of a battery group or central battery installation, using various switching modalities. This capability assumes that the relevant luminaires are both AC and DC compatible and that the control gears used in the emergency lighting are EN 50172 compliant.

Specifically, the following connection types can be implemented:

1. Luminaire operation in maintained power mode: no TW 500 required.

2. Luminaire operation in non-maintained power mode: TW 500 required.

3. Luminaire operation in maintained power mode, selectively switchable to non-maintained power mode depending on the general lighting circuitry: TW 500 + switched phase of the general lighting required for control.

4. Luminaire operation in non-maintained power mode, selectively switchable depending on faults/failures in the mains supply of the general lighting: TW 500 + unswitched phase of the general lighting required for control.

5. Combination of circuit types (maintained/non-maintained power modes) acc. to no. 3 and 4: TW 500 + switched phase and unswitched phase of the general lighting required for control.

Generally, the luminaire is supplied via the maintained power circuit of the group or central battery system at the L/+ and N/- input. The control inputs L and N (switched phase) or L and N (unswitched phase) are only used to implement the above-mentioned circuit types.

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